\>build BUILD: Compile and Link for x86 BUILD: Loading c:\\winddk\\6000\\build.dat... BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies: BUILD: Start time: Thu Mar 01 03:49:38 2007 BUILD: Examining c:\\winddk\\hoge directory for files to compile. BUILD: Saving c:\\winddk\\6000\\build.dat... BUILD: Compiling and Linking c:\\winddk\\hoge directory \_NT\_TARGET\_VERSION SET TO WIN2K Linking Executable - objchk\_w2k\_x86\\i386\\fuga.sys errors in directory c:\\winddk\\hoge c:\\winddk\\hoge\\fuga.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol \_\_imp\_@InterlockedPopEntrySList@4 referenced in function \_ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList@4 c:\\winddk\\hoge\\fuga.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external